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这可能不是华纳兄弟和 DC 更愿意宣布的方式,但感谢与杰森·莫玛和一些粉丝的相遇:本·阿弗莱克将在《海王与失落的王国》中饰演布鲁斯·韦恩。

It's probably not the way Warner Bros. and DC would have preferred to announce it,but the word is out thanks to a random encounter between Jason Momoa and some fans: Ben Affleck will appear as Bruce Wayne in Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom.

正如莫玛带有脏话的(他为此道歉)Instagram视频那样,他正在准备在 WB 舞台上为《海王》续集进行额外拍摄,当时正在准备进行外景巡演……就像莫玛正前往停在停车场旁边的拖车“ 学士学位” 写在门牌上。 还有“我刚在维加斯结婚先生”里面。

AS recounted by Momoa's sweary (for which he apologizes) Instagram video, work was underway on additional shooting for the Aquaman sequel on a WB stage when a backlot tour draws up… Just as Momoa is headed for a trailer parked next to the lot with "B.A." written on a door sign. And a certain Mr. "I just got married in Vegas" inside.


It could all be a studio set up, a "viral" attempt to drum up a little publicity, but Momoa sells it like a champ and we honestly want to believe it's a genuine slip up.


Lost Kingdom, which has James Wan back directing and a cast blending Aquaman veterans Amber Heard, Dolph Lundgren, Patrick Wilson, Temuera Morrison and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II with new recruits such as Pilou Asbæk, is headed for screens on 17 March next year.
